Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Module Name: Mathematics for Management

Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Business and Management
BBMP 1103
Mathematics for Management

Name: Adam Khaleel

Tutor’ Name: Ali Shareef
Learning Centre: Villa College

Trimester:  September 2011

  1. (a)  2A+B=(1 2 2 -2 1 0 )
      A−3B=(-4 -3 -2 -1 0 -1 )
      1× 2A+B=(1 2 2 -2 1 0 )
      2× 2A-6B=(-8 -6 -4 -2 0 -2 )
           -    +      -
      7B=(1 2 2 -2 1 0 )-(-8 -6 -4 -2 0 -2 )
      7B=(9 8 6 0 1 2 )
       ∴    B=(97  87 67 0 17 27 ).
       A-3(97  87 67 0 17 27 )=(-4 -3 -2 -1 0 -1 )
       A-(277  247 187 0 37 67 )=(-4 -3 -2 -1 0 -1 )
       A=(277  247 187 0 37 67 )+(-4 -3 -2 -1 0 -1 )
           A=(-17  37 47 -7 37 -17 ).  (Zurni et al. 2010).
          (b)        3(-3 8 14 -5 0 -6 )-4(11 -3 7 12 2 -9 )
           =(-9 24 42 -15 0 -18 )-(44 -12 28 48 8 -36 )
           =(-53 36 14 -63 -8 18 ).

   2(-3 8 14 -5 0 -6 )(6 2 7 -5 10 -7 1 11 0 )
                     2×3                3×3
         =2((-18-40+14) (-6+80+154) (-21-56+0) (-30+0-6) (-10+0-66) (-35+0+0) )
         =2(-44 228 -77 -36 -76 -35 )
         =(-88 456 -154 -72 -152 -70 ).  (Zurni et al. 2010).

  1. (c) 1st row is selected
There is no inverse if determinant equals to zero.
1|4 2 6 a |-2|1 2 -2 a |+3|1 4 -2 6 |=0
Therefore if a=-11, the determinant would be zero hence no inverse. (Zurni et al. 2010).

                  (d) |1 1+ac 1+bc 1 1+ad 1+bd 1 1+ae 1+be |1 1+ac 1 1+ad 1 1+ae
3+ad+be+ac+bd+bc+ae+abde+abcd+abce    →1
3+ad+bc+ae+bd+be+ac+abcd+abde+abce    →2
=3+ad+be+ac+bd+bc+ae+abde+abcd+abce -3-ad-bc- ae-bd-be-ac-abcd-abde-abce    
= 0.  (Zurni et al. 2010).
  1. (e) -0|-2 0 6 0 5 -7 4 9 0 |-2|3 4 2 0 5 -7 4 9 0 |-3|3 4 2 -2 0 6 4 9 0 |+0|3 4 2 -2 0 6 0 5 -7 |
    =-2(3|5 -7 9 0 |+4|4 4 5 -7 |)-3(2|-2 0 4 9 |-6|3 4 -2 0 |)
    =232.  (Zurni et al. 2010).

  1.          (a) (0 1 -3 2 3 -1 4 5 -2 )(x1  x2 x3 )=(-5 7 10 )
(b) 0|3 -1 5 -2 |-1|2 -1 4 -2 |-3|2 3 4 5 |
     = 6.  (Zurni et al. 2010).
(c) Minor matrix
    (0 1 -3 2 3 -1 4 5 -2 )
   ((-6+5) (-4+4) (10-12) (-2+15) (0+12) (0-4) (-1+9) (0+6) (0-2) )
   =(-1 0 -2 13 12 -4 8 6 -2 ).
   (c)             Cofactor matrix
                 ((+×-1) (-×0) (+×-2) (-×+13) (+×+12) (-×-4) (+×+8) (-×+6) (+×-2) )
                  =(-1 0 -2 -13 12 4 8 -6 -2 )
Ad joint matrix
= (Cofactor)T
=(-1 -13 8 0 12 -6 -2 4 -2 )
Inverse matrix
=16(-1 -13 8 0 12 -6 -2 4 -2 )
=(-16 -136 43 0 2 -1 -13 23 -13 ). Zurni, O., Noraziah, H, M., Hawa, I., Fatinah, Z., & Azizan, S. (2010, p.13-16).
     (d) Solutions
=(-16 -136 43 0 2 -1 -13 23 -13 )(-5 7 10 )
           3×3               3×1
=((56-916+403) (0+14-10) (53+143-103) )
(x1 x2 x3 )=(-1 4 3 ).(Zurni et al. 2010).
  1. (a) (0 1 1 3 -1 1 1 1 -3 )(x y z )(6 -7 -13 )
Determinant of A
0|-1 1 1 -3 |-1|3 1 1 -3 |+1|3 -1 1 1 |
Determinant of A1
(6 1 1 -7 -1 1 -13 1 -3 )
6|-1 1 1 -3 |-1|-7 1 -13 -3 |+1|-7 -1 -13 1 |
Determinant A2
(0 6 1 3 -7 1 1 -13 -3 )
0|-7 1 -13 -3 |-6|3 1 1 -3 |+1|3 -7 1 -13 |
Determinant A3
(0 1 6 3 -1 -7 1 1 -13 )
0|-1 -7 1 -13 |-1|3 -7 1 -13 |+6|3 -1 1 1 |
        x=-4214         y=2814               z=5614
              =-3               =2                     =4              (Zurni et al. 2010).

              (b)          y=x2-4x-5
    Gradient at point A
    Coordinate of point A
    (x,y)=(3,-8).  Uses of differentiation. (n.d).
    Equation of tangent line
    -8=2(3)+c        c=-14
    Equation of perpendicular line
    m1×m2=-1            2×m2=-1
    -8=-12(3)+c           c=-132
    Coordinate of point B
   (b)    2x2-7x+3=0          (x-3)(2x-1)=0
    x=3                 x=12
       y=(12)2-4(12)-5       y=-274          ∴B=(12,-274)
    Coordinate at x=0
    y=02-4(0)-5    ∴(0,-5)
    Coordinates at y=0
    x2-4x-5=0       (x-5)(x+1)=0
    x=5       x=-1       (-1,0)     (5,0)
    Coordinate at minimum point
    y=22-4(2)-5       ∴(2,-9).    (Zurni et al. 2010).
(Zurni et al. 2010).
  1. (a)
  1. f(x)=x+22
Dom f={xϵR, x≥-2}
      Range f={yϵR, y≥0}
Dom g={xϵR, x≠5 }
Range g={yϵR, -1≤y≤3}

Dom h={xϵR, }
Range h={yϵR, y≥-6}
  1. ff(34)=34+22   =3
3+22    =52    =1.12

gf(47)= 47+22         72=3.5
3-3.55-3.5   =-13

=x-224.             Operations on Functions. (n.d).

  1. y=3-x5-x
    g-1(x)=(-5x+3)(1-x).      Definition of Inverse Function. (n.d).
      (Zurni et al. 2010).
                                  = 25+29-5×4226
    (Zurni et al. 2010).

Definition of Inverse Function. (n.d). Retrieved September 26, 2011, from
Operations on Functions. (n.d). Retrieved September 26, 2011, from
Uses of differentiation. (n.d). Retrieved September 26, 2011, from
Zurni, O., Noraziah, H, M., Hawa, I., Fatinah, Z., & Azizan, S. (2010). Mathematics for Management. Malaysia: Metero Doc. Sdn. Bhd.

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