Open University Malaysia
Faculty of Educational Studies
OUMH 1303
English for Oral Communication
Name: Adam Khaleel
Lecturer: Fathimath Senifa
Learning Centre: Villa College
Trimester: January 2011
All the praises and thanks be to Allah and He is the most gracious and most merciful. May Allah peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen,
Assalaam Alaikum and good evening,
It is a great pleasure to be with you all today to address you. It is an honor.
I am here today to talk about one of the most important concern for every Maldivian. In the last decade, crimes have increased at an alarming rate in our “peaceful” Maldivian society but why? Now, I am going to discuss on some of these crimes, causes, affects and possible measures to minimize these crimes.
According to the Maldives Police Service the offences in Maldives include assault, theft, robbery, drugs, sexual offences, traffics, domestic violence, counterfeit, vandalism, cheque bounce, embezzlement etc. The total crime cases from the year 2006 to 2007 was increased by 33.8% and this was increased by 54.3% in 2008 compared to 2007 but in 2009 it was increased by 9.0% compared to 2008 and in 2010 it was decreased by 11.8% compared to 2009. (Bureau of crimes records, 2011). Maldives Police Service annual report 2010 shows that logged cases were increased by 272.1% from the year 2000 to 2010. Annual statistics report. (2010). According to the national study on violence against children in the Maldives conducted in 2008 shows that 11% of boys and 20% of girls have been sexually abused at least once in their life. 26% of children have been punished emotionally at home and 14% both emotionally and physically. 8% of students reported to have been hit by a teacher although law prohibits this behavior. Girls in the Maldives especially in Male’ suffer from a high risk of becoming sexually abused during their childhood. Speech by UNICEF Representative. (2010).
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am sure there would be many causes behind for increasing these crimes. Allah mentions in the Quran “And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. And he pardons much”. Dr. Al-Hilali, M, T and Dr. Khan, M, M. (n.d.), (V.42:30). It was narrated that Abdulla bin Umar said: ‘The Messenger of Allah z turned to us and said: “O Muhajirin, there are five things with which you will be tested, and I seek refuge with Allah lest you to see them: Immorality never appears among a people to such an extent that they commit it openly, but plagues and diseases that were never known among the predecessors will spread among them. They do not cheat in weights and measures but they will be stricken with famine, severe calamity and the oppression of their rulers. They do not withhold the Zakah of their wealth, but rain will be withheld from the sky, and were it not for the animals, no rain would fall on them. They do not break their covenant with Allah and his Messenger, but Allah will enable their enemies to overpower them and take some of what is in their hands. Unless their leaders rule according to the book of Allah and seek all good from that which Allah has revealed, Allah will cause them to fight one another.’” Yazeed, I, M, B and Al-Quazwini, I, M. (n.d.), Hadith No. 4019, Vol. No. 5.
So we understood that the crimes are increasing because of our mistake and what we have done by our hands. It is also due to immodesty and impudence, cheating in weighing or measuring, not paying Zakah, not having compassion for others, not worshiping Allah and not obeying the Prophet z and all means of obscenity are not eradicated.
In our country these things are very common and most of us are Muslims for the name sake. Our young generation is not obeying Allah and his Messenger z and we have accepted western culture. Most of us are very much involved in politics and working for their own benefits without considering others feelings. Corruption is the most dangerous “virus” which is spreading very fast in our country. The person who tells the truth is considered as a liar and there is no justice among the people.
Overcrowding is an issue for increasing crimes in our country. The number of people living in capital of Male’ is increasing because of fewer facilities and job opportunities are available in the Atolls. Increasing the number of foreign employees is an issue to overcrowd and to decrease job opportunities for Maldivians. Unemployment is a major issue for youth to involve in crimes. Niyaza, A. (2011).
Ladies and gentlemen,
The increasing crimes affect not only Maldivians but also the foreign employees and tourists. Foreign workers in our country are working without getting their salary and some of them are living in hunger because of negligence of the employer. Sometimes the properties and wealth of them are robbed as result foreigners are reluctant to live in Maldives but some of them are very much involved in these crimes. Moosa, H, F. (2011).
Today Maldives Police Service finds it very difficult to control these crimes and some of the police men are seriously injured by gang fighters. The government and private properties are damaged by vandalism and strikes held in Maldives.
Killing innocent people is one of the main concerns in our community. Sometimes the gang fighting kills the innocent people without knowing and no one is taking the responsibility for that. The fear is increased in the society and people are reluctant to come out from their homes. Even though the doors are locked there is no guarantee when the looters are going to loot the properties and people are always alert and cannot sleep well. Niyaza, A. (2011).
There are many people who are addicted to drugs and most of them are not having enough funds to treat themselves from abroad. The rehabilitation centre in Maldives does not have enough capacity to the all drug addicts. As a result they are not only the people who suffer but their families are also affected and some families are broken resulting that most of the children are living without a good care, love and other necessary facilities. Annual statistics report. (2010).
Illegal sexual relationships have increased the number of rapes, homosexuality, illegal abortions and dangerous sexual transmitted diseases in our country. The common diseases include vaginosis, scabies and the HIV is the most dangerous disease spreading very fast in our country. The number of babies with no father is increasing and some of these babies are killed by their parents.
The government spending for police, prisons and jails, courts and treatment programs including the salaries of prosecutors, judges, public defenders, social workers, security guards and probation officers are increased in Maldives.
The number of qualified employees is decreased resulting to decrease the economic productivity. It is very hard to get jobs from government and private sector for a person who has crime record especially drug records and most of the families are suffering due to low income.
The parents do not have absolute control over the children because some children are stubborn and not obeying their parents. These children do not have good manners and do not respect others. The teachers are finding very difficult to teach them and this has affected the whole education in the country. Moosa, H, F. (2011).
Ladies and gentlemen,
To minimize these crimes the very first thing we should do is obeying Allah and his Messenger z. Allah mentions in the Quran “And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship me (Alone)”. Dr. Al-Hilali, M, T and Dr. Khan, M, M. (n.d.), (V.51:56). And in He mentions “And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah (i.e. this Quran), and be not divided among yourselves, and remember Allah’s Favour on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren (in Islamic Faith), and you were on the brink of a pit of fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes his Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, relations, etc.) clear to you, that you may be guided.” Dr. Al-Hilali, M, T and Dr. Khan, M, M. (n.d.), (V.02:103). And He mentions “For him (each person), there are angels in succession, before and behind him. They guard him by the command of Allah. Verily! Allah will not change the (good) condition of people as long as they do not change their state (of goodness) themselves (by committing sins and by being ungrateful and disobedient to Allah). But when Allah wills a people’s punishment, there can be no turning back of it, and they will find besides Him no protector”. Dr. Al-Hilali, M, T and Dr. Khan, M, M. (n.d.), (V.13:11).
It is very clear that we must obey Allah and his Messenger z and we must stop committing sins to get Allah’s blessings and to have a better life.
Allah mentions in the Quran “And remind (by preaching the Qur’an, O Muhammad z) for verily, the reminding profits the believers”. Dr. Al-Hilali, M, T and Dr. Khan, M, M. (n.d.), (V.51:55). And He mentions “Help you one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety); but do not help one another in sin and transgression. And fear Allah. Verily, Allah is severe in punishment”. Dr. Al-Hilali, M, T and Dr. Khan, M, M. (n.d.), (V.05:02). And He mentions “Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islam), enjoying Al-Ma’ruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden). And it is they who are the successful”. Dr. Al-Hilali, M, T and Dr. Khan, M, M. (n.d.), (V.02:104).
In addition to this increasing Islamic knowledge and changing the educational strategies accordance with the principles of Islam will help to minimize crimes in future. We should follow the constitutions with no discrimination. The Constitution of the Republic of Maldives 2008 states that “members of the security services shall treat all persons and groups equally without any discrimination and with humanity and dignity in accordance with the decorous principles of Islam.” Hussain, D. (n.d.).
The government should provide job opportunities, rehabilitation services and other necessary facilities to minimize these crimes in our country.
“Together we can fight crime” under this theme Maldives Police Service has conducted awareness program, religious lectures and children’s evening and according to them that was a successful program. Maldives Police Service, Crime prevention. (2006).
Ladies and gentlemen,
These crimes are not emerged today but there are some crimes which we have not seen before in our country. We must know our faults and we all are responsible for that. No one should blame others before understanding our situation and no one is perfect. The good person is the one who learning from mistakes and not repeating the same fault. Each and every person could be a “mirror” to others and could help to find mistakes in a polite way. It is not too late to think about it and to take corrective actions.
We must ask for guidance from Allah because we alone cannot do that unless Allah changes our situation. So, raise our hands and supplicate to Almighty Allah. Surely all praise is for Allah. We praise Him and seek His help. Whomever He guides shall never go astray and whomever He allows to astray shall never find guidance. May the Allah peace be upon our Messenger and his Companions. “O Allah, we seek Your forgiveness and Your protection in this world and the next. O Allah, We seek Your forgiveness and Your protection in our religion, in our worldly affairs, in our families and in our wealth. O Allah, conceal our secrets and preserve us from anguish. O Allah, guard us from what is in front of us and behind us, from our left and from our right and from above us. We seek refuge in Your Greatness from being stuck down from beneath us.” Al-Qahtani, S, W. (2007, p.105-106). May the peace of Allah be upon our Prophet. Surely He, the Glorified, is Capable of all things. Amin.
Thank You
Al-Qahtani, S, W. (2007, p.105-106). Fortress of the Muslim, Invocations from the Quran and Sunnah, Darussalam.
Annual statistics report. (2010). Maldives Police Service, Annual statistics report. (2010) Retrieved February 18, 2011, from statistics report 2010.
Bureau of Crime Records. (2011). Cases logged from 2006 to 2010: (Ref. No: C9(a)-IM/2011/27), Maldives Police Service: Sergeant Hassan, W.
Dr. Al-Hilali, M, T and Dr. Khan, M, M. (n.d.). Translation of the meaning of the Noble Quran in the English language, (V.42:30), Madinah, K. S. A: King Fahd Complex for the printing of the Holy Quran.
Dr. Al-Hilali, M, T and Dr. Khan, M, M. (n.d.). Translation of the meaning of the Noble Quran in the English language, (V.51:56), Madinah, K. S. A: King Fahd Complex for the printing of the Holy Quran.
Dr. Al-Hilali, M, T and Dr. Khan, M, M. (n.d.). Translation of the meaning of the Noble Quran in the English language, (V.02:103), Madinah, K. S. A: King Fahd Complex for the printing of the Holy Quran.
Dr. Al-Hilali, M, T and Dr. Khan, M, M. (n.d.). Translation of the meaning of the Noble Quran in the English language, (V.13:11), Madinah, K. S. A: King Fahd Complex for the printing of the Holy Quran.
Dr. Al-Hilali, M, T and Dr. Khan, M, M. (n.d.). Translation of the meaning of the Noble Quran in the English language, (V.51:55), Madinah, K. S. A: King Fahd Complex for the printing of the Holy Quran.
Dr. Al-Hilali, M, T and Dr. Khan, M, M. (n.d.). Translation of the meaning of the Noble Quran in the English language, (V.05:02), Madinah, K. S. A: King Fahd Complex for the printing of the Holy Quran.
Dr. Al-Hilali, M, T and Dr. Khan, M, M. (n.d.). Translation of the meaning of the Noble Quran in the English language, (V.02:104), Madinah, K. S. A: King Fahd Complex for the printing of the Holy Quran.
Hussain, D. (n.d.). Constitution of the Republic of Maldives 2008, Maldives: Ministry of Legal Reform, Information and Arts.
Maldives Police Service, Crime prevention. (2006). Retrieved February 20, 2011, from
Moosa, H, F. (2011). Juvenile Crime, Haveeru Online, Retrieved February 21, 2011,
Speech by UNICEF Representative. (2010). Retrieved February 18, 2011, from
Yazeed, I, M, B and Al-Quazwini, I, M. (n.d.). English translation of Sunan Ibn Majah: Hadith No. 4019, Vol. No. 5, USA.
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